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Thursday Flyer - October 21, 2024

Thursday Flyer: October 21, 2021

Upcoming Events:

  • Reminder: The MMCA PTA Trunk or Treat / Harvest Festival has been postponed to Spring 2022

  • Heads up: LifeTouch Picture Retake day will be 12/2/21

  • Monday, 10/25/21 - October Board of Directors Meeting, 6:30p (

  • Tuesday, 10/26/21- Girls’ BB HOME vs. Bowman, 3:45p

  • Tuesday, 10/26/21 - Cross Country Sierra Foothill League Championship Meet

  • Thursday, 10/28/21 - Girls’ BB @ JAA Lincoln, 3:45p

  • Friday, 10/29/21 - Cultural Day

Weekly COVID-19 Update

Cumulative Case count: (8)

Placer County’s COVID-19 case count continues to trend downwards, but it’s still prevalent around Placer County right now. We need to continue to be diligent - here is our weekly reminder about our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student illness - a link to our current student illness protocols is available here.

November Menus Now Available in Boonli

The November menus are available. The deadline to order through November 8th is Monday, October 25th at 11:59 pm. The weekly deadline is every Monday at 11:59pm, however, we suggest ordering for the entire month. Go to to order. Our orders are low for the first week of November; please log in and verify your child has food ordered for the new month.

MMCA Yearbooks are now available to pre-order online

The cost is $25 through 11/30/2021. The cost will be $30 from 12/01/2021-03/31/2022.

The only way to guarantee that you receive a yearbook is to pre-order! Click the link below to order online.

HELP WANTED: P.T. Position Available - K-8 After School Care

We’re going to have an opening coming up for one of the after school shifts in our K-8th Grade After School Care Program. The hours would be approximately 3:00p - 6:00p on every school day. Parents interested in the shift may contact After Care Director Ray Baldonade at

Next Round of School Uniform Orders Coming Up

Our next School Uniform ordering window is open right now. We will be collecting orders through our website portal today through next Friday, October 29th, and then placing the order with our vendor. Given the supply chain issues our vendor has been dealing with, I’d anticipate that it’ll take about four weeks for the orders to be fulfilled. Again, with all school uniform orders, the vendor delivers the bulk order to the school, and then we will distribute the uniforms to the individual families that ordered them (please do not contact our vendor directly). Our electronic uniform order form is available at

Parent Volunteers Reminder - new CDPH requirements now in place

As mentioned in previous Flyers, the state is mandating that all parents who volunteer inside a classroom must:

  1. Wear masks when indoors with students; and

  2. Beginning Monday, October 18th, provide one of the following:

    1. proof of vaccination (one-time submission; we’ll keep it on file in the office); or

    2. Negative COVID test within 72 hours prior to volunteer time; or

    3. Proof of COVID-19 diagnosis within the past year (we’re going to recognize natural immunity)

Fyi: There are lots of places that will provide FREE COVID-19 testing. One FREE COVID-19 testing location is less than 2 miles from our school site (promotional flyer below). If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please feel free to contact Mr. Boothby at


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