Thursday Flyer - May 19, 2022
Upcoming Events:
5/9/22 - 5/27/22: State CAASPP Testing (3rd -8th Grade)
5/16/22-5/20/22: Spring Scholastic Book Fair
5/23/22-5/27/22: Book Exchange (see flyer below)
5/30/22: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day Holiday
5/31/22 - 6/2/22: Spirit Week
Tuesday: 'Decades day' - Pick your favorite decade and dress accordingly (ex. Disco 70's)
Wednesday: ‘Disney day’ - Pick your favorite Disney-related character (including Marvel, Star Wars, etc.) and dress accordingly
Thursday: 'Sports Team day' - Wear your favorite sports team jersey/uniform
6/1/22: 8th Grade Graduation - 6:00p
6/2/22: MINIMUM DAY, 12:00p dismissal (Last Day of School)
6/6/22: Summer School starts
6/6/22: Summer Camp starts
6/13/22: MMCA Board of Directors Meeting, 6:30p (fyi- May/June meetings being combined to 1 meeting on this date)
Weekly COVID-19 Update
Cumulative Case count: (70)
COVID cases are starting to rise again within our County. We’ve had a couple cases per week for about 4 weeks now. What’s more prevalent in our area now is the flu. CDPH sent an alert out on Tuesday to all schools in the greater Sacramento area that there has been a significant uptick in flu cases within our region. Within our school community, we have definitely seen more flu cases than COVID. Regardless, if you would like a free COVID test, please stop by the office to pick one up. For COVID testing locations within Placer County, click HERE. Additionally, the federal government announced a +/- ‘free tests for all’ program, and the link to this program is HERE.
CAASPP testing continues. CAASPP is the state’s testing system for 3rd - 8th Grade students in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and for 5th/8th graders, Science. Testing for each grade level will take four days (five for 5th/8th graders). Assuming they’re not sick, PLEASE make sure your child(ren) are at school.
Free Summer Meals Resources
Need meals over the summer? Find schools in your area that are serving meals over the summer as part of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) at this website: Search by zip code, sort the schools by “end date,” and make sure the “site type” is “Open” (meaning your child doesn’t need to be enrolled at the school). It looks like the closest schools to MMCA are Roseville Joint High School District campuses.
Summer School 2022
Summer School Enrollment is now OPEN to ALL MMCA 1st-8th grade students on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. Beginning Monday, June 6th, we’ll provide (16) days of instruction on Monday - Thursday mornings from 8:30a-12:00p, primarily focusing on core reading, writing and mathematical skills. Space is limited; the approximate available spots by grade level are:
Summer Camp 2022 update
Our Summer Camp 2022 website is LIVE and available HERE. Space is LIMITED and spots are filling up FAST! Current availability:
MMCA Children’s House Enrollment Open for the 2022-2023 School Year
To enroll in the preschool, children must be potty-trained and 3.5-5 years old in mid-August. Preschool spots are filled on a first come, first serve basis. We only have a few spots available - sign up now before it’s too late.
Watch D.O.G.S.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Mr. Rogers, Mr. Morano, Mr. Barrett, and Mr. Luevano for volunteering this week. We appreciate you very much!
Lost & Found!
PLEASE CHECK THE LOST AND FOUND CART! We have lots of items accumulating. Also a drawer full of other items! Please contact Cynthia or Brooke for more details.