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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Upcoming Events:

  • 11/1 - 12/1 - Accepting Applications for Board of Directors

  • 11/9 - Deadline TODAY! - Hot Lunch Ordering for Week of 11/27 - early deadline due to holiday!

  • 11/10 - No School - Veterans Day

  • 11/14 - PTA Meeting, 2-3 pm - All are welcome to attend!

  • 11/14 - Garden Team Mtg., 5:30-6:30p

  • 11/14 - Girls’ Soccer @ JAA Lincoln, 3:30p

  • 11/15 - Girls’ Soccer home vs. Gateway, 3:15p

  • 11/16 - School Picture Re-Takes & Classroom Pictures (Don’t wear green!)

  • 11/17 - Spirit Day - Neon Day

K-8 Enrollment Application Window Now Open for 2024-25 School Year!

The application process has begun for K-8th grade enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year. Applications are due on February 15th.

If you have an incoming Kindergarten student, now is the time to complete the application for next school year!

Application and enrollment information is on our website. Please share with those who might be interested in attending MMCA next year!

Neon Spirit Day on November 17th

The leadership students have planned a Neon Spirit Day for November 17th. Students may dress in uniforms or in neon!

Winter Camp Interest Survey

We are gauging parent interest in offering a "Winter Camp" this year. If offered, the Camp would be from December 26 - December 29th and from January 2 - January 5. The hours and price for the camp would be similar to our Summer Camp program: 9:00a-1:00p for 'camp', with before / after care hours of 7:30a - 9:00a and 1:00p - 5:30p. If offered, Winter Camp would be led by a combination of our Preschool and K-8 Before/Aftercare Staff.

Please complete this form asap so that we can determine if Winter Camp will be provided this year.

School Pictures are Ready!

Families should have received an email from JostensPIX with information on how to view and order pictures. If you did not receive an email, make sure to create an account at:

  • Retakes will be on 11/16. There is a section on JostensPIX to indicate if you are requesting a retake.

  • Classroom pictures will also be taken on 11/16.


Next week, we’re looking forward to seeing Russell Ramos, Benjamin Teague, Cory Fitzhugh and Nathan Morano as our WatchDOGS!

Yearbook Update

  • Yearbook Sales Now Open: Yearbooks are $30 if ordered by December 31st and are printed in full-color, hard-bound format. Ordering available until mid-Spring. The price will go up to $35 beginning in January. Order link HERE.

  • Pictures Needed: Did you take pictures at our Cultural Day, athletic events or recent field trips? Please email or text them to: for possible inclusion in our yearbook!

Board of Directors Election Cycle

The Board of Directors defines the mission of the school and clarifies its philosophy. In conjunction with the School Administrator, the Board establishes the financial, educational, and operational goals of MMCA and ensures that they are achieved annually. The Board may be involved in facility planning, review and approval of legal documents, annual operating budgets, and staffing decisions. The Board of Directors also serve as ambassadors for the school, promoting its successes and building its positive reputation in the community.

  • Elections

    • Board elections are conducted in November/December of each school year. If you are interested in becoming a candidate, please check out our Candidate Information Packet. Applications will be accepted November 1st thru December 1, 2023.

  • Meetings​

    • Meetings are typically held on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 pm. Please see the School Calendar for the most current information.


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