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Summer Flyer #4 - August 11, 2022

Summer Flyer #4: August 11, 2022

Upcoming Events:

  • 8/17 - First Day of School - Minimum Day

  • 8/17-19 - Minimum Days - 12:00p dismissal

  • 8/18 - New Parent Info. Night (6:00p), Back to School Night, (6:30p)

Good afternoon MMCA Families,

With school starting next week for our students, I wanted to share the 2022-2023 edition of our MMCA Parent Orientation Handbook, available at this link. This handbook provides basic information about our school operations. We will be sending one more Summer Flyer next Monday discussing the first day of school and next week’s New Parent Information Night / Back to School Night.

Thanks everyone,


Class rosters

Our class rosters will be posted on our front office windows Monday, 8/15/22 after 3:00 p.m. Each summer, I receive several questions with regards to my strategies for setting a class roster. My overall goal in developing any class roster is to try to establish a balanced classroom looking at these primary factors: 1) behavior, 2) academic ability, 3) gender and 4) grade level. While I will take parent requests into consideration, there will be circumstances where I will not be able to honor all requests, particularly when doing so would lead to an unbalanced classroom.

K-8 Before and After School Care Update:

Our Before and After School Care webpage has been updated with this year’s application form and reservation calendar. The link to the page is here. If you are using ASC, please fill out and turn in the paperwork. We likewise need updated paperwork from all of our existing ASC families as well.

Part Time Paid Employment Opportunities at M.M.C.A.

We have a couple part-time full school year positions available, including:

  1. RSP Instructional Aide

  2. Preschool Afterschool Care

Additionally, we have a couple short term positions available, including:

  1. Preschool Assistant

  2. Lunch Supervision

If you’re interested in one of these positions, you can apply either on or at If you have questions about one of these positions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. B at

Breakfast / Hot Lunch Update

Our breakfast/hot lunch ordering website, including menus, is now fully ‘live’. Link: Instructions on how to setup a Booni account here: .

Like last year, ALL breakfasts and lunches ordered for MMCA students are FREE.

Our first full week of school with designated lunch and breakfast periods is the week of 8/22/22. The ordering deadline for this week is Monday, 8/15/22 @ 11:59p.m.

For new families, if you don’t already have a Boonli account, our hot lunch website has an instruction page for how to set one up. Our hot lunch page link is here. Additionally, when the Boonli system asks for your child’s classroom (which hasn’t been assigned yet), don’t worry about it, just put one of the classrooms of your child’s grade level, and we’ll adjust this after our rosters have been finalized. K-1 = Purple/Yellow, 2-3= Red/Blue, 4-5=Aqua/Coral, 6=Orange, 7-8=Green.

Additionally, please fill out our Free / Reduced Lunch Application that’s available on our hot lunch website. Again, regardless of actual income status, all families who fill this out will be eligible for FREE breakfasts and lunches for their child(ren) for the entire school year. Free / Reduced Lunch paperwork can be dropped off at the front office or emailed to our Business Manager Brooke Johnson at


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