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Thursday Flyer - February 11, 2021

Thursday Flyer 2.11.2021

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, 2/12/21 and MONDAY, 2/15/21 (President’s Day Weekend); school resumes on TUESDAY, 2/16/21

2/15/21 - Deadline for New K-8 Student Applications (including siblings)

COVID-19 Update

No ‘new’ news to report this week. Let’s continue our due diligence regarding all of our mitigation measures. As a reminder, our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student/staff illness and quarantines are available here.

FREE Lunches

We need your help! We aren’t meeting the minimum lunch orders with Revolution Foods and may have to start paying for delivery. Please take advantage of the FREE lunches offered by the USDA through the end of this school year (lunches must be served to students to be reimbursed). The March menu will be posted soon. If you don’t have an account you can sign up at with our school password “mmca1”. After you create an account, email to let her know that you’ve created an account and it will be changed to FREE status.

Lunch Recess / ASC Staff

We’re looking for additional paid PT staff to help us out. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact Mr. Baldonade at

High School Registration Heads Up

It is now time for parents of eighth grade students to begin the registration process for high school. If you plan on attending your local high school (based on where you live) you will need to register your child. If you do not plan on attending your local high school, you will need to get approval for an interdistrict transfer from one or both of the schools/districts.


We will no longer be taking general uniform clothing donations but will continue to take any MMCA logo shirts or sweatshirts. We still have a large inventory available for your children so please send requests to Whitney Hernandez at with any requests.

Drop-off / Pick-up Reminder during Hybrid

3:20p pick up parents (1st/3rd/6th): If you arrive at school before 3:20p, please park in a designated parking spot. It makes getting through our 3:10p pick up cars much faster!

ATTENTION 8TH GRADE PARENTS - 8th Grade Yearbook Dedications Due ASAP

Parents, we need your help! The due date for submissions is quickly approaching and we don't want you to miss out on getting your child in the yearbook to honor their graduation from 8th grade.

We ask that you submit a personal message of 100 words or less and one jpeg photo. Messages should include a closing that clearly states who is sending the message. Please include "8th grade dedication-" followed by your child's full name in the subject line of your email. Please submit your message and photo to by February 15th.

Yearbook PreSales DEADLINE is March 31

Yearbooks are available for presale through Jostens for $30 through March 31. Reserve your copy today. The only way to guarantee your child’s yearbook is to preorder by 3/31.

2020 Tax Statements from Procare

You can print a tax statement from the Procare website (not the app) here: After logging in, click "Payments" in the menu on the left. From there, you'll see a page that lists your invoices and payments. You can specify a date range (1/1/20 through 12/31/20) and create a pdf by clicking the "statement" button in the upper right of the page. If you have any problems, please contact Denise at


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